This past week has be uh-may-ZING!!! The island of Majuro Is so beautiful! With crazy sunsets like Guam, and gorgeous beaches every where you look, Majuro has been completely breath taking. I'll post a Picasa album of just Majuro scenery so you all can see how nice it is.
Field service is very interesting here, and it's something I've never experienced before. First of all when walking through territory you walk in between houses and yards and garages, and no one minds. A brother was telling me that all the locals have respect for the bible, so just about everyone will talk to you, and for a long time if you want to. Even if they are busy doing things like cleaning the house or washing clothes, when they see you're religious and are talking about the bible, they stop what they are doing and listen-no questions asked. It's really amazing.
The living conditions of the locals can be pretty rough compared to back home. Their houses have no furniture and they sit and sleep on the tile floors. The kids roams around the streets freely, and so do dogs and pigs. It's really scary to drive here because dogs and even toddlers pop onto the street out of nowhere and it's so hard to avoid hitting them. Fortunately we've avoided them so far.
The brother and sister that we stayed with are so nice! Their names are Regan and Lynn Scott (no relation to Michael Scott haha) They made us feel so comfortable and were so willing to provide whatever we needed whenever we needed it. I really really appreciate what they did for us.
Another highlight of the week was being able to hang out with the construction crews that are staying here. The two groups are working on two different kingdom halls on two opposite ends of the island. Hanging with these guys was a lot of fun! I give it up to those guys, who are working all day in the super hot sun, building kingdom halls. Humongous props!
I'm really sad to be leaving this island, cuz I made some great friends, and I know possibly I may never see them again in this system... But you gotta do what you gotta do right?! :( Haha
So now we're off to the next island- Ebeye. Hopefully I'll have Internet there, but you never know when you traveling through third world countries. So untill next post, par yakweh!