Tuesday, June 12, 2012


So I had a cool experience while in Kosrae. Well the story actually begins a few weeks ago on the plane to Majuro:

So I was sitting next to a woman on the plane, who I began to talk story with. Her name is Smolina (ya there can be some interesting names in these islands :) ) She was really nice and polite. She told me she was on her way to her home in Kosrae, coming from the Philippines where she was undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer. We had a really nice discussion. She talked about how scary having cancer is, and she appreciated how one day things like that won't even exist. I read her a few scriptures and gave her a bible teach book and magazines. As she got off the plane I told her that I would try to find her when I went to Kosrae 3 weeks later. And I did :)
My second day out in field in Kosrae a sister had a call in a town called Utwe. This was the town Smolina lived in, so we asked if they knew her. They did and gave us directions to her house. We got there but found out she wasn't home but at work. Sean said he had to go to her workplace anyways, so we went and there she was. She remembered me and was happy to see me. Arrangements were made for us to go to her house a few days later and study with her.

Saturday when we got to her house, I saw her lying in bed and calling out to us. She couldn't get up because she had sprained her ankle. She was so distressed, knowing that she had to fly back to Philippines in a few days to do another chemo session. As we talked she began to tear as she expressed how she felt God must be punishing her for something she had done. We assured her that that wasn't the case. Instead we shared that he cares deeply for her, and he only wants whats best for her. Then she teared some more. We just kept making her cry haha jk. Anyways she really appreciated the visit, and the sister I brought will continue the study with her. I'm very glad we were able to meet, and she was able to find comfort in knowing the truth. I hope things will progress with her.


  1. beautiful experience! what a blessing to be used by Jehovah in this way. keep up the good work!

  2. indeed a beautiful exp...made me cry. I will share this exp. with my bible study who had similar situations. keep up your good work kinohi. may jehovah with you as always.

    1. Wow I'm making everybody cry! Sorry!! Haha ya it was really nice to meet her. Thanks for the support michi. I really appreciate it. I miss you guys! Take care

  3. you're very welcome. I really like your blog, very encouraging and good to know that you'll well taking care of. :)

  4. finally got to share your exp. to my study today. she was so appreciative. you made her teary a little bit.(ahh) she thank jehovah that you'll able to do this type of work. keep up your good work and may jehovah continue to help you and bless you. love and aloha auntie michi
