Saturday, April 28, 2012

Hanging out

So back home in Hawaii, when the young ones get together it's mostly going out to do stuff, like beach, mall, movies. Here in Guam they do that too, but they also just go over to someone's house and hang out a lot as well. They get together and play cards and music and have potluck. It's a lot of fun.

The other night a brother picked me up and we went over to a family's house and had dinner there. Then everyone busted out their guitars and started playing music together. They also had those box things things that you sit on and hit to drum (idk what it's called haha)

Then after that we played the card game mafia. (I was the successful murderer thank you very much:))

It was a lot of fun! Pictures taken by Joe Salas, Dededo congregation


  1. looks like fun....happy for you!

  2. I love you and hope you have a good time. keale

  3. Good to know all is well and youre enjoying yourself. Be safe -Matt

  4. theres rachel from maui! da family i tol u about

    1. Ok ya! Ya Rachel is cool. Her fam is nice too. I worked with her dad in field one day. Funny crazy guy haha.

  5. Aww! thanks! you too kinohi! hello chellooo, is this rochelle? or some other awesome person Im not quite remembering?

    1. Hey Rachel! yup its me chelle! hope ur doing well there! its been so long tell ur family i said hi. probably wont remember me but im da girl dat came to wailea wit lurlyne and did seldome work territory and met u guys again on da lanai build. *=)
