Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Spearfishing in Guam

If you know me well you know that I LOVE to go diving, or spearfishing. It's one of my favorite things to do. Some people say that diving in Hawaii is very good compared to many parts of the world, and I'm sure that's true. But I had no idea how awesome diving in Guam would be! I have never caught, or even seen so much fish in my entire life! It's awesome!

A brother here that came from Maui has a boat the we go on to go night diving. Because of the use of his boat we are able to go to some spots that poeple without boats aren't able to dive at. So the spots that we hit are very fertile, and we're able to pick up a lot of fish! Here are some pics as proof just in case you don't believe me :) (btw all the fish are put to good use, either being eaten or sold, and then eaten (: )

1 comment:

  1. Wow you. Are like the master spear fisher. We were most impressed with the exotic Fanta fish in the top picture and the other rarely found Skippy fish in the last picture. We need lessons from you.... Truly we stink at spear fishing but love the cooking and eating them part!
